
In Confirmation the gifts of the Spirit given to us by God are stirred up afresh and redoubled by the laying on of hands by a bishop. Candidates for Confirmation publically profess their faith, and are fully initiated as members of Christ’s church, able to receive Holy Communion.
It also happens that people who were baptised and confirmed many years ago return to their faith, or find they want to profess it publicly for themselves again.
In this circumstance, candidates can receive catechesis in preparation for a liturgy involving the renewal of the promises made at their baptism, and thanksgiving for the graces they have received from God.
Whatever stage people are at on their pilgrimage of faith, All Saints’ wants to be a help and blessing to all who seek Christ and want to be his disciples. Please be in touch with the clergy if you would like to explore more about the possibility of being baptized and/or confirmed yourself, or want to discuss having your child baptized or confirmed.